Facing this issue in my WordPress website: Content loaded from: ehpollmany.info (Google Ads)
Image by Hanford - hkhazo.biz.id

Facing this issue in my WordPress website: Content loaded from: ehpollmany.info (Google Ads)

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If you’re reading this article, chances are you’re frustrated and concerned about the mysterious “Content loaded from: ehpollmany.info” message on your WordPress website, accompanied by unwanted Google Ads. Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Many website owners have faced this issue, and we’re here to guide you through the solution.

What is ehpollmany.info, and why is it affecting my website?

Ehpollmany.info is a notorious domain associated with malicious activities, including injecting unwanted ads and tracking user behavior. It’s likely that your website has been compromised by malicious code, which is why you’re seeing this message and unwanted ads.

How did ehpollmany.info infect my website?

There are several ways ehpollmany.info can infect your WordPress website:

  • Vulnerable plugins or themes: Outdated or poorly coded plugins and themes can create backdoors for malicious code to enter your website.
  • Weak passwords: Using weak passwords or not regularly updating them can give hackers access to your website.
  • Malware infections: Visiting infected websites or opening phishing emails can spread malware to your website.
  • Cross-site scripting (XSS): Attackers can inject malicious scripts into your website through XSS vulnerabilities.

How to remove ehpollmany.info and unwanted Google Ads from my WordPress website?

Don’t panic! We’ll walk you through a step-by-step guide to remove the malicious code and unwanted ads from your website.

Step 1: Update your WordPress core, themes, and plugins

Make sure your WordPress core, themes, and plugins are up-to-date, as newer versions often include security patches and bug fixes.

wp core update
wp theme update --all
wp plugin update --all

Step 2: Scan your website for malware and vulnerabilities

Use a reputable security plugin, such as Wordfence or MalCare, to scan your website for malware and vulnerabilities.


sudo su
cd /path/to/your/website
wp wordfence scan --all


sudo su
cd /path/to/your/website
wp malcare scan --all

Step 3: Check your website’s files and database for suspicious code

Use a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) client or your hosting provider’s file manager to check your website’s files for suspicious code. Look for files with unusual names or modified dates.

ftp yourwebsite.com
cd public_html/wp-content/plugins/
ls -al

Check your website’s database for suspicious entries using phpMyAdmin or a similar tool.

SELECT * FROM wp_options WHERE option_value LIKE '%ehpollmany.info%';

Step 4: Remove malicious code and unwanted ads

Based on the scan results, remove any suspicious files or code from your website’s files and database.

sudo rm -rf suspicious-file.php
DELETE FROM wp_options WHERE option_value LIKE '%ehpollmany.info%';

Step 5: Change your passwords and secure your website

Update your passwords, including your WordPress admin password, FTP password, and database password. Ensure you’re using strong, unique passwords.

Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) for your WordPress admin account and consider using a security plugin to limit login attempts.

Step 6: Monitor your website’s activity and traffic

Keep a close eye on your website’s activity and traffic to catch any potential issues early.

Use Google Analytics to track your website’s traffic and monitor for any suspicious behavior.

Tools Description
Google Analytics Track website traffic and monitor for suspicious behavior
Wordfence Scan website for malware and vulnerabilities
MalCare Scan website for malware and vulnerabilities
FTP client Check website files for suspicious code
phpMyAdmin Check website database for suspicious entries

Preventing future infections

To avoid future infections, follow these best practices:

  1. Regularly update your WordPress core, themes, and plugins.
  2. Use strong, unique passwords and enable 2FA for your WordPress admin account.
  3. Monitor your website’s activity and traffic regularly.
  4. Use reputable security plugins to scan your website for malware and vulnerabilities.
  5. Avoid using outdated or poorly coded plugins and themes.
  6. Be cautious when clicking on links or opening emails from unknown sources.


Removing ehpollmany.info and unwanted Google Ads from your WordPress website requires patience and attention to detail. By following these steps, you’ll be able to identify and remove the malicious code, secure your website, and prevent future infections.

Remember, website security is an ongoing process, and staying vigilant is key to protecting your online presence.

If you’re not comfortable with the removal process or need further assistance, consider consulting with a WordPress security expert or reaching out to your hosting provider for support.

Frequently Asked Question

Got a pesky issue on your WordPress website? You’re not alone! We’ve got the scoop on that annoying “Content loaded from: ehpollmany.info (Google Ads)” message.

What’s this “Content loaded from: ehpollmany.info (Google Ads)” thing all about?

This message is a warning from Google Ads, indicating that your website is loading content from an outside source, specifically ehpollmany.info. This might be due to a plugin or theme issue, malware, or even a pesky ad injector.

Is this a security risk for my WordPress website?

Yes, it could be! Malicious code or scripts from ehpollmany.info could compromise your site’s security, exposing user data or injecting malicious ads. Take immediate action to secure your site!

How do I remove this unwanted content from my WordPress website?

Start by scanning your site for malware, updating plugins and themes, and checking for ad injectors. You may need to remove suspicious plugins or themes, and change passwords. If the issue persists, consider seeking help from a WordPress expert or security specialist.

Will this issue affect my website’s performance?

Absolutely! External scripts can slow down your site’s loading speed, which can negatively impact user experience and even search engine rankings. Get rid of unwanted content to ensure a faster, more secure site!

Can I prevent this issue from happening again in the future?

Yes, you can! Regularly update your plugins and themes, use a reputable security plugin, and be cautious when installing new plugins or themes. Monitor your site’s performance and keep an eye out for suspicious activity to prevent future issues.

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