Mastering Datadog: Filter Results by Value in 5 Easy Steps
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Mastering Datadog: Filter Results by Value in 5 Easy Steps

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Are you tired of sifting through a sea of data in Datadog, searching for that one specific metric or result? Do you wish you could narrow down your search to quickly find what you’re looking for? Well, you’re in luck! In this article, we’ll show you how to filter results by value in Datadog, taking your monitoring and analytics skills to the next level.

Why Filtering by Value Matters

In Datadog, you’re constantly dealing with vast amounts of data. Without proper filtering, it’s easy to get lost in the noise. By filtering results by value, you can:

  • Quickly identify trends and anomalies
  • Isolate specific issues or performances
  • Optimize resource allocation and budgeting
  • Enhance overall monitoring and analytics capabilities

Step 1: Access the Query Editor

To filter results by value, you’ll need to access the Query Editor in Datadog. To do this:

  1. Log in to your Datadog account and navigate to the Metrics or Logs section
  2. Click on the New Metric or New Log button
  3. In the query editor, click on the Filter tab

Step 2: Choose Your Filter Type

In the filter tab, you’ll see a dropdown menu labeled Filter by. Here, you can choose from various filter types, such as:

  • Value: Filter by a specific value or range of values
  • Tag: Filter by a specific tag or tag value
  • Metric: Filter by a specific metric or metric value

For this example, we’ll choose Value as our filter type.

Step 3: Define Your Filter Criteria

Now it’s time to define your filter criteria. In the Value filter type, you can choose to filter by:

  • Equals: Filter for exact matches
  • Not Equals: Filter for values that do not match
  • Contains: Filter for values that contain a specific string
  • Does Not Contain: Filter for values that do not contain a specific string
  • GreaterThan: Filter for values greater than a specified value
  • LessThan: Filter for values less than a specified value
  • InRange: Filter for values within a specified range
  • NotInRange: Filter for values outside a specified range

For example, let’s say we want to filter for all values greater than 50. We would choose the GreaterThan operator and enter 50 as the value.

Filter by: Value
Operator: GreaterThan
Value: 50

Step 4: Apply Your Filter

Once you’ve defined your filter criteria, click the Apply button to apply the filter to your results.

You’ll notice that your query results have been filtered according to your specified criteria. You can now analyze and explore your filtered data with ease.

Step 5: Refine and Save Your Filter

To refine your filter, you can add additional criteria by clicking the Add filter button. This allows you to combine multiple filters to further narrow down your results.

Once you’re satisfied with your filter, be sure to save it by clicking the Save button. This will save your filter as a reusable query that you can access later.

Filter Name Filter Criteria Operator Value
My Filter Value GreaterThan 50

Tips and Variations

Here are some additional tips and variations to take your filtering skills to the next level:

  • Use the AND and OR operators to combine multiple filters
  • Filter by multiple values using the In operator
  • Use wildcards (*) to filter for values containing a specific string
  • Filter by date and time using the Date filter type

By mastering the art of filtering by value in Datadog, you’ll be able to uncover insights and trends that were previously hidden. Remember to experiment with different filter types, operators, and criteria to unlock the full potential of your data.


In this article, we’ve shown you how to filter results by value in Datadog using a simple, 5-step process. By following these instructions and exploring the various filter types and operators available, you’ll be able to:

  • Streamline your data analysis and monitoring workflows
  • Uncover hidden insights and trends
  • Optimize resource allocation and budgeting
  • Take your Datadog skills to the next level

So what are you waiting for? Start filtering by value in Datadog today and unlock the full potential of your data!

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the answers to your burning questions about filtering results by value in Datadog!

What is the purpose of filtering results by value in Datadog?

Filtering results by value in Datadog allows you to narrow down your search to specific data points that match certain conditions, making it easier to identify trends, patterns, and correlations within your data.

How do I filter results by value in Datadog?

To filter results by value in Datadog, you can use the “Filter” button in the top-right corner of the query results. From there, select the column you want to filter by, choose the operator (e.g. “is”, “is not”, “contains”, etc.), and enter the value you want to filter by.

Can I filter by multiple values in Datadog?

Yes, you can filter by multiple values in Datadog using the “OR” and “AND” operators. This allows you to create more complex filters and narrow down your results to specific combinations of values.

Can I save my filtered results in Datadog?

Yes, you can save your filtered results in Datadog as a new dashboard or as a saved view. This allows you to easily access and share your filtered data with others, and to revisit your analysis at a later time.

Are there any limitations to filtering results by value in Datadog?

While filtering results by value is a powerful feature in Datadog, there are some limitations to be aware of, such as the maximum number of filters you can apply and the potential impact on query performance. Be sure to check the Datadog documentation for the most up-to-date information on filtering limitations.